by Justin Ouellette
The tweet thread to log my work on Special Fish.
Special Fish launch
special.fishfanfare's Crayon DJ plugin for Special Fish.
The Creative Blur (commissioned by Laurel Schwulst for TCI)
I left this block in the rain
First prototype of Elliott's Blur.
Jeffrey Alan Scudder helping build Elliott's Blur
The first images from Elliott's Blur
The first images from Elliott's Blur
One of the first TNR image documents
Let's pots
At the tone the time will be.
On the subway
Roads I grew up on.
TNR Writer interface
TNR Writer packets
Green people exhibition
Views of lamps in Sasaki Garden
Views of lamp through trees.
Walking to Unique Copy
Thumbnails page 1
Thumbnails page 2
Shadow of lamp
Sketch of lamps
Sasaki Garden business card (front & back).
Invite to exhibition written with TNR writer.
View of lamp photographs under an umbrella.
View of lamp photographs under an umbrella.
Everyday websites
Watering cans at a community garden in berlin.
Let's create an everyday website!
Walking in rain